May 2, 2006

Neck Hair

I really hate the hair on the back of my neck. As a result, I try to get it buzzed off frequently. However, I cannot do this alone, and require the help of a friend or family member. So this is just a shoutout to all those of you who have helped me do this thankless and kind of weird task. The Shaving of the Ryan is kind of like the Running of the Bulls, except that it occurs much more often than the bull thing, and even drunk college students don't enjoy trimming my neck hair.
The Shaving of the Ryan is a rite of passage that many of my friends have gone through, but the all-stars are quietly hidden among the masses, too humble for recognition--until now. You know who you are: Martha, Mom, Katie, Josh, Bobby, Andy--you've all made a difference, so I thank you.

365: Picture a Day Project    365 Leftovers    All My Pictures    Sitzbook

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