Angela was cleaning a lot today, and she even cleaned the oven thoroughly. These are the knobs from the front of our Atlas brand oven. Atlas is, if not the best, then certainly one of the top ten oven manufacturers in El Salvador.
Cooperation in the isthmus: ¿Si se puede? Sure, ¿why not?
Cooperation in the isthmus: ¿Si se puede? Sure, ¿why not?
365: Picture a Day Project 365 Leftovers All My Pictures Sitzbook
actually until recently atlas used to be a costa rican national company! they came out heavily in favour of CAFTA, saying if it didn;t pass they were gong to close operations in costa rica. Once is passed, the news came out that it was already to sold to Mabe, which i believe is a mexican company. cooperation in the isthmas (sounds like Christmas!) of the most appalling kind!
...AND the freaking oven light burned out after only two years or so!
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