January 28, 2012

Wow! Wow! .... Um, Wow!

For anyone who's "lucky" enough to be my friend or to have been in one of my classes, you probably know that I love Star Wars. So a few months ago when my brother Paul mentioned Star Wars Uncut, I was pretty interested. It's a project that divides the movie into 15-second segments, and then different fans re-make the segments however they want.

Well, the project is finally complete, and it's pretty amazing, actually. You can check it out here:

As you can see, it's about 2 hours, which is no small investment of time if you want to watch the whole thing. But really, what else do you have going on this weekend? A few of the segments are lame, half-assed, or just plain bad, but I'd say the majority of them are actually outstanding. It's just really cool to see people who are such big fans of something have a sort of field day, and many of them are very creative and funny. 

Some of my favorite bits are cheesy cat inserts (like 11:30) and two cowboy/Civil War segments (the first around 1:01:00). A few other of my favorites are the Japanese comedy show (24:15), the creepy My Little Pony part (37:20), and the Kill Bill reference (46:10).

The other great thing about this is you can watch it for a few minutes at a time when you're not busy, and you don't lose what's going on--if you're a true fan, of course!

If you check it out, enjoy, and whether you do or not, have a great weekend!

365: Picture a Day Project    365 Leftovers    All My Pictures    Sitzbook

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