November 24, 2009

Happy Internet Time

This video below is like it was made for me. It's me and the internet performing a duet to express our love:

It's like I sprouted hair and it flourished into a mullet. And then I got together with my love and we shook out a dusty rug (which is a metaphor for going to crappy, smelly internet cafes filled with stupid kids).
And when the boys are chasing bubbles around 3:40 into the video, that's me chasing email messages and turns on Facebook Scrabble!

365: Picture a Day Project    365 Leftovers    All My Pictures    Sitzbook


Unknown said...

i laughed for the first 20 seconds, then i couldn't stand it anymore. you'd better start thinking about using your new-found internet powers for GOOD rather than this kind of particularly painful evil??????

Sitzman said...

Well, at least you got a laugh out of it, albeit only for 20 seconds...
BTW I know I've heard that song more than once on the radio in the office! Not saying it's your choice, but I am saying that we're a bit behind on the trends here in Coast Tasty...