Well, it's been a while since I've put up the Pictures of the Day, so I decided to post these. Some of them were parts of other projects, so you may have seen them in the meantime. But there's likely something new here, so I hope you enjoy them!
As usual, I've had to shrink these photos quite a bit, but if you click on the dates or the pictures themselves, you can see a higher-quality version.
February 12th: At a major intersection on the Interamerican Highway, there's a BBQ restaurant with huge statues of a monkey and a bull outside. They even make noise. Here's the monkey, complete with dangling monkey balls (yes, they swayed back and forth, disturbingly enough).
February 13th: We had some friends over for pizza today, and I made 5 pizzas. In all that time, and with all those people, I was a bit dumb and forgot to take pictures. Except this one when I was chopping tomatoes to make the pizza sauce. Oh well. Nice picture, at least.
February 15th: We bought a lovely new coffee table from Wilson (he made it), so he and Lucy came by today to drop it off.
February 16th: An office door at the building where I teach on Wednesdays. It wasn't an especially amazing picture, but then again, it wasn't an especially amazing day.
February 17th: All over Costa Rica recently, there's been a beautiful explosion of blossoming trees. Some are white, pink, and --like this one-- orange. I'm not sure of the name of this type of tree, but Angela says it's "Llama del Bosque," or "Flame of the Forest." Then again, it seems like she calls all trees that name, just like all insects seem to be called "Mula del Diablo" ("Devil's Mule") and all animals seem to be a variation of "
Zorillo" ("Little Fox").
February 18th: Some pictures from the entrance to Filadelfia (the other one), in Guanacaste, Costa Rica.
February 19th: A lounge chair at the hotel where Angela and I stayed on Friday night. We decided to stay at the Best Western in Liberia, and it turned out to be quite nice. It was not really close to where my class was, but the price was really good, and it included breakfast and a lovely pool area. To me, that was simply Great.
February 20th: I really, really hate washing the car. It's pretty pointless. At least I did a half-assed job.
February 21st: Ü? Are we Germans? No! It's just the double dotted-i at the end of the word "Hawaii."
I'm not sure who gave me or my family this towel, but I think I've seen it most of my life. (Update: my mom informs me my grandparents brought it back from Hawaii when I was a little kid.)
February 22nd: Actual nails taken from a bag of Costa Rican charcoal. Just one of the many reasons to not buy Costa Rican charcoal.
February 23rd: "The History of Love," by Nicole Krauss. One of the books I'm reading for my weekly "
Sitzbook" project.
Click here to see a list of books I've read so far this year.
February 24th: A shot I took of the lawn sprinkler. It's been pretty dry lately.
February 25th: I know that this has a really narrow range of focus, but I still like it.
February 26th: Angela in the water. We went to Playa Panama in Guanacaste, Costa Rica.
February 27th: A painting on the side of a supermarket in Liberia. Remind anyone else of "The Flight of the Conchords"?
March 1st: Some cilantro flowers behind our house. We call it "cat poop cilantro" because after we planted the seeds, the cats suspiciously hung out there a LOT. We're not so sure if we should try to eat it or not.
March 2nd: Some
chan, which is think is similar to linseed or flaxseed. In any case, if you mix it in water, it gets all gooey like frog eggs. Weird.
So! That was a lot of pictures. Hopefully there was something interesting in there for you but if not, we'll always have March! Thanks for reading, and have a good day!
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