December 19, 2006

Thank You Very Mooch

This posting is to publicly announce an ambitious project that I have embarked on that will change the way we perceive the world. For the whole month that I'm here in Colorado, it is my intention to not make a trip to the grocery store to buy food. That's it; let the game begin!
The night I arrived, as well as the first day here, I had enough leavings in the house from when I left in August, although they were of a canned and/or frozen variety. The next day was looking up, as my sister had a Christmas party in the evening. I "helped prepare and clean," which mainly meant I washed some cookie trays while eating random food-y objects. That also covered dinner, as well as breakfast the next morning. The afternoon meal was provided to me by my dear friends Dustin and Sam, who bought me a burrito as big as my upper arm, in exchange for helping them move. Yesterday was a mooch's dream, since I was able to get a free brunch by driving to Denver to eat with my grandma and relatives in the mountains. In the afternoon, I went to my friend Martha's house for the famous Pierogi Sunday, where (free) tasty Polish food ruled the day. Finally, today I still managed to live off the food I commandeered from my family's house, as well as part of a frozen pizza at Dustin and Sam's new house (thanks guys!)
So, please wish me the best of luck, and keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I embark on this historic mission.

365: Picture a Day Project    365 Leftovers    All My Pictures    Sitzbook

1 comment:

Julien Katchinoff said...

With this blizzard; I might also start to avoid the grocery store. You got any food?